Gujarati Typing (Type in Gujarati)

Its very easy and simple to type in Gujarati using English to Gujarati Typing. Just type the text in English in the given box and press space, it will convert the text in Gujarati script. Click on a word to see more options. To switch between Gujrati and English use ctrl + g. Now copy the text and use it anywhere on emails, chat, Facebook, twitter or any website.

English to Gujarati Translate English To Gujarati Gujarati Voice Typing Gujarati OCR

Word by Word Character by Character Passage By Passage Simple Mode

Type in English Press Space bar to Get in Gujarati (Press "Ctrl G" to switch language)

Translate Change Number Format Save as Image Save as Text Save as Doc Copy Print

English to Gujarati Converter Virtual Keyboard - Click to Expand

Special Characters:

. ◌્ ◌઼ ◌ઁ ◌ં

Independent Vowels:

(a) (aa) (i) (ii) (u) (uu) (r) (l) (e) (e) (ai) (o) (o) (au)

Dependent Vowels:

(aa) િ (i) (ii) ◌ુ (u) ◌ૂ (uu) ◌ૃ (r) ◌ૄ (rr) ◌ૅ (e) ◌ે (e) ◌ૈ (ai) (o) (o) (au)


(ka) (kha) (ga) (gha) (nga) (ca) (cha) (ja) (jha) (nya) (tta) (ttha) (dda) (ddha) (nna) (ta) (tha) (da) (dha) (na) (pa) (pha) (ba) (bha) (ma) (ya) (ra) (la) (lla) (va) (sha) (ssa) (sa) (ha)

Additional consonants:



(zero) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .