Marriage License
Who May Perform Your Marriage Ceremony in Florida (F.S. 741.07)
- All regularly ordained ministers of the gospel or elders in communion with some church, or other ordained clergy from any state or foreign country.
- All Florida notaries public - Please Note: Notaries public from outside the State of Florida are not authorized under Florida law to perform your ceremony.
- Florida judicial officers, including retired Florida judicial officers. Florida judicial officers who may perform a marriage ceremony include Florida state court judges, retired Florida state court judges, Federal court judges whose jurisdiction includes Florida, and retired Federal court judges whose jurisdiction included Florida.
Please Note: State court judges, local court judges, and probate court judges from outside the State of Florida are not authorized under Florida law to perform your ceremony .
- Boat Captains are not authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in the State of Florida unless they are otherwise qualified as provided above. Marriage ceremonies must take place within Florida's state boundaries.