Mississippi Divorce Guide

Mississippi Divorce Guide

In this guide, you’ll get educated on exactly how divorce works in Mississippi .

Specifically, we’ll cover the differences between divorce and legal separation, types of divorce, overview of the process, how much it costs, and a whole lot more.

So if you want to make sure you have a lay of the land (and steer clear of the landmines), we’ve got you covered.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

The difference between divorce, annulment and legal separation

divorce, annulment and legal separation

Married couples can end their marriages by divorce or annulment in Mississippi. Legal separation is also permitted, but a couple will remain married after this action takes place.

Legal Separation

Legal separation is much different than a pure physical separation between two people. Legal separation requires a court action to put specific provisions in place, even though a couple will remain married. However, legal separation is not recognized in Mississippi, so spouses must either file for divorce or separate maintenance.

With separate maintenance, the court will decide child custody, insurance issues, debts, and the use of the family home and vehicles. The court may also grant a separate maintenance entitlement which is a form of temporary alimony. Remaining issues regarding children and financial assets are then decided separately.


Annulments are rare, but they are granted in Mississippi. An annulment means a marriage is null and void as if it never happened. This is different from a divorce which simply ends a marriage.

To be granted an annulment in Mississippi, you must meet one of the following conditions that were present when the marriage took place:


Divorce is a permanent and legal end to a marriage. All issues are resolved, and each spouse goes their separate way after a final decree is granted by the court.

Related Reading: Should I Get a Divorce?

What are the grounds for divorce in Mississippi?

Mississippi allows for divorce on either a no-fault or fault-based basis. A no-fault divorce merely requires you to state that there are irreconcilable differences. No other explanations are needed. To file a no-fault divorce, both sides must agree to the divorce based on irreconcilable differences. If either spouse does not agree, then divorce must be proved through a fault-based divorce.

If you choose to file a fault-based divorce, you have the burden of proving that the ground you are filing on is appropriate for your divorce. It is generally tied to some form of misconduct.

14 fault-based reasons can include, but are not limited to:

Only the person that is the victim of the fault-based reason can file for divorce on a fault ground. If you were the perpetrator, then you are not allowed to do so.

The reason some people choose to pursue a fault-based divorce is that a fault-based finding may affect how much spousal support is awarded as part of the final settlement.

What kind of divorce is right for you?

What kind of divorce is right for you

One of the first things you must decide is what kind of divorce you want. There are several possible options in Mississippi.

Determining what kind of divorce you want is critical because it sets the stage for several other decisions and activities you will need to pursue.

The relationship you have with your spouse is a primary consideration. If you can work together and trust each other to come to amicable decisions, you may be able to save a lot of time, money, and grief.

It’s very important to keep in mind that there is no “best option” when it comes to divorce. No divorce is cookie-cutter, so it’s key that you think about your dynamic with your spouse and what your goals are when it comes to your divorce.

Here are the types of divorce:

Do-It-Yourself Divorce : What I like to call the kitchen table divorce. This one is pretty straight forward. You don’t hire any professionals and attempt to resolve all your differences with your spouse. The biggest downside is you don’t know what you don’t know. I’d steer clear of this approach unless you don’t have kids or any money.

Online Divorce : A far superior choice to DIY divorce. Navigating the divorce process and legal procedures can be a minefield. A good online divorce platform removes the guesswork. Through guided interviews, you’ll complete the forms while getting educated on the key legal issues in the process. This can be a great option if you have a relatively straightforward situation and you’re on the same page with your spouse.

Pro Tip: We’ve taken a close look at all of the best online divorce services, and our top pick is 3 Step Divorce. They are fast and affordable, with a 100% guarantee of court approval or your money back!Check out our full review here, or you can >>> Save Now by Getting Started with 3 Step Divorce.

Litigation : The default option and also the most expensive. If you and your spouse can’t agree on one of the other options, then you’re headed for litigation. Litigation is an attorney-driven process. While the majority of cases settle before going to trial, that doesn’t mean litigation won’t wreak havoc on you and your kids.

Sometimes it’s the only viable option, however. If your spouse has a high-conflict personality (narcissist, borderline, etc.) or there is domestic violence, litigation might be your only option. It’s also the right choice if your primary objective is to punish your spouse. As tempting as that might be, I encourage you to think about the big picture.

Mediation : With mediation, you and your spouse retain a neutral professional (typically an attorney) to help facilitate agreement. The mediator will help you brainstorm options, understand each other’s perspectives, and make compromises to reach a resolution that you and your spouse can both live with.

Collaborative Divorce : Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t just mean that you and your spouse are going to work out your divorce “collaboratively.” There’s much more to it. Collaborative divorce is a structured process that takes a team approach. Divorce is much more than a legal process. It’s about money, kids, and emotions. That’s why a Collaborative team includes collaborative lawyers, a divorce coach, and a neutral financial specialist.

Unlike any other process, everyone commits not to go to court. The idea is that this removes the threat of litigation which fosters creative solutions and interest-based negotiation. It’s far and away the most supportive type of divorce.

To learn more about your divorce options in Mississippi, check out our guide on The Types of Divorce. This will help you form the best direction for your set of circumstances.

What is the process of filing for divorce in Mississippi?

Process of Getting a Divorce

The basics of all divorces in Mississippi are pretty much the same no matter what direction and method you choose. Some initial steps need to be handled so that you can move on to the next stage of the process.

Gather important information. When gathering the information you need, it’s very important to be organized and proactive. Remembering this will give you the best chance at achieving the best outcome for your divorce.

Not only will this ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process, but it will also save you time, anxiety, and money (which you’ll want to save for the next parts of your divorce).

Before you jump in to collecting financial information, take the following steps:

If you’re in the dark about your finances, that’s okay. You and your spouse will be required to complete financial affidavits as part of the divorce process. The goal at this point is simply to begin identifying the puzzle pieces.

Okay, now it’s time to start gathering your information. Here’s a short-list of what you need:

Complete the initial paperwork. After you decide what kind of divorce you will pursue, you need to complete several forms and submit them. Depending on the circumstances of the divorce, some forms may or may not be required.

Do not sign any documents until you are in the presence of a notary. Also, court employees cannot provide legal advice, but they will check to make sure your forms are correctly completed.

File your forms. Completed forms must be filed with the court in the county where you or your spouse have lived for at least six months. You will need to file your divorce complaint and related documents with the clerk’s office of the chancery court.

You must then serve your spouse with copies of the divorce papers to legally make them aware of your intention to divorce them.

Completing proof of service in Mississippi

After you have filed paperwork in Mississippi, you must legally notify your spouse of your intentions by delivering paperwork to them. You are not allowed to do this on your own.

Instead, a sheriff in the county where the defendant lives can serve process and then file proof of delivery with the court.

It is also possible to serve papers by mailing them first-class with postage prepaid to the defendant. If the sender receives no acknowledgment of service under this rule within 20 days after the date of mailing, service of the summons and complaint can be made in other ways.

When the defendant cannot be found so that proof of service can be completed, with the approval of the court, the defendant can be served by publication.

Under this process, the summons is published in a local newspaper for three consecutive weeks. If there is no newspaper, then the notice can be posted at the county courthouse. After completion of publication, the defendant has 30 days to file a response.

A summons is served on a person outside Mississippi by sending divorce papers to the respondent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The envelope is marked “restricted delivery.”

Service by this method is complete as of the date of delivery. This is evidenced by the return receipt or by the returned envelope marked “Refused.”

Can you file for divorce online in Mississippi?

Divorce Online

No, but you can complete much of the paperwork you’ll need to file using online resources. This is a great option for many people who are seeking an uncontested divorce.

Our favorite resource for a fast and effective online divorce is: 3 Step Divorce .

3 Step Divorce checks all the boxes that make an online divorce worthwhile.

They aim to make it easy – and they certainly deliver.

From step-by-step instructions to unlimited live support, here are just a few of the reasons why 3 Step is our #1 recommended online divorce resource: